Subject: the science of farming as a solid earth program - pdf downloads
Treatise of irrigation, and agriculture, as practiced by the Indians, together with a portion of the notes on the management of the earth, and the duties of the farmer, and those of the husbandmen, in the progress of agriculture.
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Oct 23, 2018
PDF file the science of farming as a solid earth program
pdf file the science of farming as a solid earth program
control unit
I am using this code to print out the time in two different languages. This will print out in English and Italian.
int main()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
time_t now = time(0);
struct tm * nowtm = gmtime(&now);
char wkday[9] = {nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0', nowtm->tm_wday + '0'};
printf("Week %c/%c/%c: %s
", wkday[0], wkday[1], wkday[2], wkday[3], wkday[4], wkday[5], wkday[6], wkday[7]);
time_t another = mktime(&nowtm);
struct tm * anothertm = gmtime(&another);
char anotherwkday[9] = {anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday + '0', anothertm->tm_wday ac619d1d87
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