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Children's Diseases and Homeopathy: Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica


Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica: A Review

If you are a homeopathic practitioner who deals with children, you might be interested in reading the book Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain. This book is a unique materia medica that explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. It also provides additional entry points, rule out points, keywords, thermals, thirst, and sides for more than 150 remedies. In this article, we will review the main features, benefits, and limitations of this book and see how it can help you find the exact similimum for your pediatric patients.


What is pediatric materia medica?

Pediatric materia medica is a branch of homeopathic materia medica that focuses on the remedies that are suitable for children. Children are not just miniature adults; they have their own characteristics, susceptibilities, and reactions to diseases and medicines. Therefore, they require a different approach to case taking, analysis, and prescription than adults. Pediatric materia medica helps homeopaths to understand the peculiarities of children's constitutions, temperaments, modalities, sensations, and symptoms.

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Why is it important for homeopathic practitioners?

Pediatric materia medica is important for homeopathic practitioners because it enables them to treat children effectively and safely. Children are often the most challenging patients for homeopaths, as they may not be able to express their feelings and sensations clearly, or may be influenced by their parents' opinions and expectations. Moreover, children are more sensitive and responsive to homeopathic remedies than adults, so they need careful selection and dosage of medicines. Pediatric materia medica helps homeopaths to find the most appropriate remedy for each child based on their individuality and totality of symptoms.

What are the main features of the book Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain?

Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain is a book that aims to provide a comprehensive and practical guide to homeopathic treatment of children. The book has several features that make it stand out from other pediatric materia medicas, such as:

  • It explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, such as infants, preschoolers, school-age children, and adolescents. This helps homeopaths to understand how a remedy changes its expression and manifestation according to the age group of the child.

  • It provides additional entry points and rule out points for each remedy. Entry points are clues or hints that lead to a remedy, such as physical appearance, behavior, preferences, or family history. Rule out points are factors that exclude a remedy from consideration, such as contradictions, incompatibilities, or aggravations.

  • It gives keywords that describe the core or essence of each remedy. Keywords are words or phrases that capture the main theme or idea of a remedy, such as "fearful", "restless", "sensitive", or "angry". Keywords help homeopaths to remember and recognize a remedy easily.

  • It lists the thermals, thirst, and sides for each remedy. Thermals are the reactions of a child to heat and cold, such as chilly, hot, or indifferent. Thirst is the desire or aversion for water or other fluids, such as thirsty, thirstless, or variable. Sides are the preferences or tendencies for one side of the body over another, such as right-sided, left-sided, or alternating.

  • It covers more than 150 remedies that are commonly used or indicated for children. It includes both polychrests and rare remedies, such as Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, etc. It also covers some nosodes, sarcodes, and imponderabilia, such as Carcinosin, Medorrhinum, Thyroidinum, X-ray, etc.

Overview of the book

Structure and organization

The book is divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. Part I consists of 10 chapters that introduce the basic concepts and principles of pediatric homeopathy, such as:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to pediatric homeopathy

  • Chapter 2: Case taking in children

  • Chapter 3: Analysis and evaluation of symptoms

  • Chapter 4: Repertorization and differentiation of remedies

  • Chapter 5: Selection and administration of remedies

  • Chapter 6: Follow-up and prognosis

  • Chapter 7: Miasms and constitutional types in children

  • Chapter 8: Acute and chronic diseases in children

  • Chapter 9: Common pediatric disorders and their homeopathic management

  • Chapter 10: Preventive and supportive homeopathy for children

Part II is the main section of the book that contains the essence of pediatric materia medica. It has 151 chapters, each dedicated to a single remedy. Each chapter follows a similar format, which includes:

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  • The name and abbreviation of the remedy

  • The entry points and rule out points for the remedy

  • The keywords that summarize the essence of the remedy

  • The thermals, thirst, and sides for the remedy

  • The description of the remedy in different stages of childhood (infants, preschoolers, school-age children, and adolescents)

  • The indications and contraindications of the remedy

  • The relationships and comparisons with other remedies

  • The clinical tips and cautions for using the remedy

  • The examples and illustrations of cases treated with the remedy

Content and coverage

The content and coverage of the book are extensive and thorough. The book covers all the aspects of pediatric homeopathy that are relevant for practice, such as case taking, analysis, repertorization, prescription, follow-up, miasms, constitutional types, acute and chronic diseases, common pediatric disorders, preventive and supportive homeopathy, etc. The book also covers a wide range of remedies that are useful for children, from polychrests to rare remedies, from nosodes to sarcodes, from imponderabilia to organ remedies. The book provides detailed information about each remedy in terms of its entry points, rule out points, keywords, thermals, thirst, sides, indications, contraindications, relationships, comparisons, clinical tips, cautions, and examples. The book also provides illustrations of cases that demonstrate how the remedy works in different situations and scenarios. Examples and illustrations

The book is enriched with examples and illustrations that make it more interesting and practical. The book contains more than 200 case studies that show how the author applied the essence of pediatric materia medica in his clinical practice. The case studies are presented in a clear and concise manner, with the following details:

  • The age, gender, and chief complaint of the child

  • The history, examination, and diagnosis of the case

  • The symptoms, modalities, sensations, and concomitants of the case

  • The repertorization and analysis of the case

  • The remedy selection and administration

  • The follow-up and outcome of the case

  • The comments and explanations of the author

The book also contains several tables that summarize and compare the key features of different remedies. For example, there is a table that compares the thermals of 50 remedies, a table that compares the thirst of 40 remedies, a table that compares the sides of 30 remedies, etc. These tables help homeopaths to differentiate and confirm their remedy choices.

Benefits of the book

Unique approach to pediatric cases

One of the main benefits of the book is that it offers a unique approach to pediatric cases. The book explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. This helps homeopaths to understand how a remedy changes its expression and manifestation according to the age group of the child. For example, a remedy like Calcarea may be indicated for an infant who is chubby, slow, and cold; a preschooler who is fearful, stubborn, and sweaty; a school-age child who is studious, anxious, and constipated; or an adolescent who is insecure, rebellious, and acne-prone. The book helps homeopaths to identify the remedy that matches the child's current stage of development.

Practical and comprehensive guidance

Another benefit of the book is that it provides practical and comprehensive guidance for homeopathic treatment of children. The book covers all the aspects of pediatric homeopathy that are relevant for practice, such as case taking, analysis, repertorization, prescription, follow-up, miasms, constitutional types, acute and chronic diseases, common pediatric disorders, preventive and supportive homeopathy, etc. The book provides detailed information about each remedy in terms of its entry points, rule out points, keywords, thermals, thirst, sides, indications, contraindications, relationships, comparisons, clinical tips, cautions, and examples. The book also provides illustrations of cases that demonstrate how the remedy works in different situations and scenarios. The book is a valuable resource for homeopaths who want to improve their skills and knowledge in treating children.

Useful for students and practitioners alike

A third benefit of the book is that it is useful for students and practitioners alike. The book is written in a simple and clear language that is easy to understand and follow. The book is also organized in a logical and systematic way that facilitates learning and reference. The book is suitable for students who want to learn the basics of pediatric homeopathy and materia medica. The book is also suitable for practitioners who want to refresh their memory or update their information on pediatric remedies. The book is a handy and helpful tool for anyone who is interested in homeopathy for children.

Limitations of the book

Lack of references and evidence

One of the main limitations of the book is that it lacks references and evidence to support its claims and recommendations. The book does not cite any sources or studies that validate its statements or suggestions. The book relies mostly on the author's personal experience and opinion, which may not be reliable or generalizable. The book does not provide any scientific or empirical basis for its approach or methods. The book may be criticized by skeptics or critics who demand more proof and data for homeopathic practice.

Need for more clinical cases and research

Another limitation of the book is that it needs more clinical cases and research to demonstrate its effectiveness and applicability. The book contains only a few case studies that show how the author used the essence of pediatric materia medica in his practice. The case studies are not enough to represent the diversity and complexity of pediatric cases that homeopaths may encounter in reality. The book also does not report any outcomes or results of the cases that it presents. The book does not provide any evidence or statistics that show how the remedies work or how they compare with other treatments. The book needs more clinical cases and research to show its value and relevance for homeopathic practice.

Possible bias and subjectivity

A third limitation of the book is that it may have some bias and subjectivity in its content and presentation. The book reflects the author's personal views and preferences on pediatric homeopathy and materia medica. The book may not be objective or impartial in its selection or interpretation of remedies. The book may favor some remedies over others, or emphasize some aspects over others, based on the author's experience or opinion. The book may not cover all the possible remedies or scenarios that are relevant for pediatric cases. The book may not account for individual variations or exceptions that may occur in practice. The book may have some bias and subjectivity that may affect its accuracy or completeness.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain is a unique materia medica that explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. It also provides additional entry points, rule out points, keywords, thermals, thirst, and sides for more than 150 remedies. The book also provides illustrations of cases that show how the remedy works in different situations and scenarios. The book has several benefits, such as offering a unique approach to pediatric cases, providing practical and comprehensive guidance, and being useful for students and practitioners alike. However, the book also has some limitations, such as lacking references and evidence, needing more clinical cases and research, and having possible bias and subjectivity. The book is a valuable resource for homeopaths who want to improve their skills and knowledge in treating children.

Recommendations and suggestions

If you are interested in reading the book Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain, you can find it online or in your local bookstore. The book is available in both print and digital formats. You can also visit the author's website or social media pages to learn more about his work and services. You can also contact him directly if you have any questions or feedback about the book. The author welcomes your comments and suggestions on how to improve the book or make it more useful for you.

Final remarks

We hope that this article has given you a brief overview of the book Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain and its main features, benefits, and limitations. We hope that you have found this article informative and helpful. We encourage you to read the book if you want to learn more about pediatric homeopathy and materia medica. We also invite you to share your thoughts and opinions on the book or the article with us. Thank you for your time and attention.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the book Essence of Pediatric Materia Medica by Pravin Jain:

  • Q: Who is the author of the book?

  • A: The author of the book is Pravin Jain, a homeopathic practitioner and teacher from India. He has more than 25 years of experience in treating children with homeopathy. He is also the founder and director of HomeoCure Clinic, a homeopathic center that specializes in pediatric cases.

  • Q: What is the purpose of the book?

  • A: The purpose of the book is to provide a comprehensive and practical guide to homeopathic treatment of children. The book explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, from infancy to adolescence. It also provides additional entry points, rule out points, keywords, thermals, thirst, and sides for more than 150 remedies. The book also provides illustrations of cases that show how the remedy works in different situations and scenarios.

  • Q: How is the book different from other pediatric materia medicas?

  • A: The book is different from other pediatric materia medicas in several ways, such as:

  • It explains each remedy in different stages of childhood, such as infants, preschoolers, school-age children, and adolescents.

  • It provides additional entry points and rule out points for each remedy.

  • It gives keywords that describe the core or essence of each remedy.

  • It lists the thermals, thirst, and sides for each remedy.

  • It covers more than 150 remedies that are commonly used or indicated for children.

  • Q: What are the benefits of reading the book?

  • A: The benefits of reading the book are:

  • It offers a unique approach to pediatric cases.

  • It provides practical and comprehensive guidance for homeopathic treatment of children.

  • It is useful for students and practitioners alike.

  • Q: What are the limitations of the book?

  • A: The limitations of the book are:

  • It lacks references and evidence to support its claims and recommendations.

  • It needs more clinical cases and research to demonstrate its effectiveness and applicability.

  • It may have some bias and subjectivity in its content and presentation.



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